Cooking With Distilled Water

Do you consider yourself an average cook, a good cook, a great cook or even a Master Chef?

Regardless of where your culinary skills fall, I can show you how to take it up a notch, both your skills and your belt.

So what’s the great secret about distilled? Well, there are several reasons why the quality of your dishes will improve by utilizing distilled water in their preparation and especially if you’re currently using tap water.

Cooking and Baking with Tap Water

Imagine that you were about to bake fresh bread such as in the recipe listed below…

You have everything need for this task organized and laid out on the kitchen counter. Suddenly a complete stranger strolls in and begins adding unknown ingredients to the mixing bowl and leaves. You had noticed a skull and cross bones label clearly displayed on every one of the ingredients. What would you think and how would you react? Would you simply ignore what you know, bake the bread and eat it? Those additional ingredients are listed in the recipe below.

Fresh-baked Sour Dough Artisan Bread

  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 pkg active yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1-1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp shortening
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 3 cups flour Additional: Optional* Ingredients
  • arsenic to flavor
  • nitrates & pesticides
  • pinch of pharmaceuticals
  • bacteria, viruses, cysts
  • all-purpose chemicals
  • tsp heavy metals & lead
  • fold in 1 cup decayed plant & animal matter
  • chlorine to taste
  • sprinkle of THMs, HAAS, chlorite, bromate

So you wouldn’t eat the bread? Actually, when you use the tap water from almost any city water supply for any recipe, you need to know that those additional “optional” ingredients will be added if you use tap water. So what is the point? If you don’t want extra harmful, cancer-causing grossness added to your foods, prepare them with distilled, baking and cooking. You can actually expect the food to taste more like it is supposed to.

Preparing food, baking and cooking using distilled improves the food’s flavor, and will even enhance the appearance of food. With the purity of distilled water, and being a natural solvent, nitrates or pesticide residue is effortlessly rinsed from vegetables and fruits.

When you use tap water to reconstitute vegetable or fruit juice, the chlorine and other chemicals affect the flavor. So, too, with coffee and tea… distilled water is pure, odorless, and tasteless; so whatever you add to it, that is the only taste you experience. Therefore, for better tasting juices, coffee and tea, you will find the taste to be greatly enhanced using distilled water. Distilled is what was originally removed from the fruit to concentrate it, and there is nothing in distilled to bastardize the taste. You can actually use extra water, get the same flavor, and make it go farther.

The best tasting coffee in the world comes from using pure, clean, healthy, tasteless distilled water. Less tea and coffee are required when using distilled water because the pure water leaches out more of the coffee and tea from the product, thus requiring less to get the same flavor. Distilled reduces the drink’s cost by as much as 25% Even though it will be lighter, the richness of flavor will be prevalent; and much less of a bitter taste.

Better Ice Cubes

There is a very noticeable difference in distilled water ice cubes. They’re not only crystal clear, but they are also harder and last longer since there is no inorganic matter to cause it to melt faster.

Reconstituting Vegetable & Fruit Juices

When concentrated fruit and vegetable juices are reconstituted by using distilled, they not only taste fresh squeezed, but you can add 20-25% more distilled water and make it stretch farther and still retain the natural flavor. Because distilled is so pure, whatever you put in it, that is the only flavor you will get out of it. This is because there are no contaminants to alter the flavor or chemistry as there is in tap water. It tastes much closer to the original fresh product. It is also possible to stretch the volume of your finished drink by using distilled to reconstitute it.

Cooking Vegetables

Distilled water will not subject the vegetables to contaminants, as opposed to tap water. Vegetables like potatoes, broccoli, asparagus and cauliflower retain their natural brilliant colors. Soups made with distilled are amazingly tastier.

Sprouting Seeds With Distilled Water

When sprouting various grains, seeds, and all types of beans, distilled will be much more effective than tap water at germinating. It will take place much more quickly, with no contamination, and stay crisper and fresher longer.

Distilled Water for Baking

The texture of baked goods made with distilled is smoother. Since distilled is so pure, more is absorbed by the flour than with tap water. The finished product will also have better flavor and be free of impurities. Various pastries, breads, pancakes, and pizza are all dramatically affected by the distilled water.

Canning of Fruits and Vegetables

Canning with distilled water results in better tasting vegetables and fruits and their original color and texture will be retained. Also, because the water is pure and sterile, jars seal better resulting in a lower spoiling rate.

Pasta Products

Pasta of all kinds, rice, and grains will absorb distilled water more readily than tap water. These types of products absorb distilled water more readily than tap water, resulting in better texture and less stickiness.

Dehydrated Foods & Distilled Water

In the process of dehydrating fruits and vegetables, naturally existing distilled was eliminated through continual exposure to low heat. So it stands to reason that distilled water is ideal for reconstituting it. Because distilled is so pure, it can pass through the walls of the dried food more effectively than water containing inorganic matter and contaminants.

Mixed Drinks

Obviously, alcoholic mixed drinks tastes so much better with distilled. As with everything else, less alcohol is required to affect the same results. Alcohol will sometimes interact with many of the contaminants in tap water such as chlorine, THM’s and pharmaceuticals found in most municipal water supplies to create dangerous compounds.

So use distilled water in the preparation of your next dish and be amazed at how the flavors actually come from the ingredients you have added and not from some mystery source such as tap water.

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