Love Yourself, Be Yourself, Trust Yourself

Latrina M. Midkiff

Love Yourself – Think of yourself as a small child. Whenever you’re about to do something, ask yourself: Would I do this to a child? Would I feed a child this food? Would I have a child drink this? Would I allow a child to be in this situation? Loving yourself means you eat and drink healthy food and exercise your body. You get enough sleep and take care of yourself when you’re sick. It also means you don’t traumatize your psyche by feeding it junk. Stay away from negative movies, TV shows (including the news) and gossip magazines. Don’t keep people in your life who are physically, mentally or emotionally abusive. When you love yourself, you are a magnet drawing people to you who will also love you.

Be Yourself – Being yourself means you are being real. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to express what you are feeling using “I feel” statements – I feel uncomfortable being intimate with someone I barely know, I feel disappointed that you would lie to me. As soon as you say “I feel” you are automatically being real, which makes you irresistible, since most people put up walls and don’t express their feelings. Of course, to express your feelings, you have to know what they are first. Start asking yourself how you feel throughout the day, and soon it will be easier to identify and relate your true feelings.

Trust Yourself – Women are often told, “You can’t trust men” or “Don’t trust men”. Women are so busy worrying about whether they can trust a man or not, that they can’t just relax and feel loved. Luckily, you don’t have to trust anyone else, you just have to trust yourself. What does that look like? It means that you listen to your feelings. If you feel uneasy about a person or a situation, take a step back. Don’t put yourself in a vulnerable position until you know who you’re dealing with. Your feelings will never lie to you. Trust yourself enough to listen to them.

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