Pizza Hut Job Application for Better Career Growth

Pizza Hut came into existence 50 years ago, in 1958, when Dan and Frank Carney founded a Pizza Parlor in Kansas by borrowing a sum of $600 from their mother. The initial menu of the restaurant was pasta, garlic bread, pizza, bread sticks and other fast food items. Over the years, the restaurants chain made a rapid expansion with a franchisee system, and by the year1971, Pizza Hut became the largest pizza restaurants chain. The company also made a foray into overseas countries and became an international chain with franchisee restaurants in different countries.

The year 1977 also saw the merger of the restaurants chain with the global soft drink and food conglomerate PepsiCo, becoming a division of the soft drink giant and a subsidiary of Yum! Brands. The other notable consumer brands of the group include KFC and Taco Bell. Today, all three consumer brands together have more than 37000 restaurants worldwide, and operate over 120 restaurants in different countries. In the United States alone, the restaurants chain is operating 6,000 pizza restaurants and employs approximately 200,000 employees. On 1, Jan 1972, the company got enlisted with New York Stock exchange. The restaurant chain headquarters in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Plano, Texas.

Career Opportunities

The restaurants chain, together with other consumer Yum brands have also turned up as the 3rd largest employment provider throughout the world, and with 6, 000 Pizza Hut restaurants in the United States, the restaurants chain offers excellent career building opportunities. The job seekers can apply to different positions in Corporate Headquarters, Team Jobs and Management Jobs.

The corporate head office is the support system of the company, supporting all restaurants, managers and employees and offers a number of career opportunities in Information Technology, Finance, HR, Food Innovation, Legal, Audits and Accounts, Operations, Development and Marketing.

Application Process

The selection process in the restaurants chain starts with the submission of Pizza Hut Job Application, together with a resume by an applicant. The resume is reviewed, and if found appropriate with the company’s requirements, the applicant is contacted for an introductory telephonic interview with the HR team. If he/she is not found satisfactory, an email is sent to the applicant about the result.

The interview process, after the initial telephonic interview, varies differently for different positions.

Team Members– The restaurant Management Team contacts applicants directly, and request them to come in person for an interview in the restaurant.

Restaurant General Managers– The applicants are asked to visit the restaurant for 2-3 hours to get a sneak peek of Pizza Hut business, also known as a realistic job review.

Area Coach– The applicants for the Area Coach position are called to the restaurant for a realistic job review and if found suitable for the positions, they attend final interviews with Pizza Hut CORE senior leaders.

Corporate Roles– The applicants applying for the CORE positions begin their interview process through a telephonic interview with Core Human Resource Team, followed by interviews with functional team and Core key leaders.

In addition to the growth opportunities with the company, Pizza Hut also provide prospect to excel personally and professionally. The employees are offered World Class Training Programs and numerous attractive employees’ benefits.

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