Why I Must Have Kitchen Gadgets at My House

I love to cook for my family as much as I can. I like to watch cooking shows and try out new recipes all the time. I am only able to do this by using gadgets, utensils, and tools around the kitchen that help save time and effort. I can’t believe how many gadgets we use in the kitchen. Let me walk you through a typical day in my kitchen, the most popular room in my house, and show you the “Must Have” kitchen gadgets at my house.

The first thing I do in the morning is I make coffee. I must have a coffee grinder and espresso/ drip coffee pot. Sometimes your coffee just needs to be a little stronger, and it is great to have the option of coffee or espresso. I like to grind my own coffee beans; it seems to taste better than using already ground coffee.

Once I have my coffee brewing I am off to put something into the toaster oven. You can really make a lot of great breakfast items quickly with a toaster oven, everything from toast and bagels to eggs and bacon or sausage.

For an afternoon snack I usually cut up some fresh fruit using a cutting board, knife, and/ or apple corer. Sometimes I’ll use the fresh fruit in smoothies using a blender. These are great on hot days.

For lunch I often find myself using the microwave. It’s leftovers, soup, or a quick microwave meal. If I am making soup I also need a can opener. I just use a hand held can opener, but it is still one of the many kitchen gadgets that I must have in my home because I use it so often.

For dinner there is a plethora of tools and utensils being used including pots and pans, graters, strainers, spatulas, pizza cutters, cutlery, mixers, and ladles to name a few. Not to say that you will use all these items in the same night, but we vary our dinner routine the most and this is when I use the most gadgets. Dinner time is also when I try out most of those new recipes.

So far I have mentioned about 15 kitchen gadgets that I must have in my home. They all help make cooking in my house easier. There are still some things that I want to get, like a griddle and a wok for starters. Unfortunately I don’t have a big enough kitchen right now to accommodate all of the kitchen gadgets that I would like to have. It takes a little while to accumulate all the gadgets that we have in our kitchens, but worth the investment most of the time!

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