Squeezing Blood Out Of A Beet

Latrina M. Midkiff

You can’t squeeze blood out of turnip but you can out of a beet. You have to be careful with beets in fact. They bruise easily despite their tough appearance and release juices from the slightest scratch. Beet juice will stain your clothes and is very difficult if not impossible […]

How Hospital Cafeterias Are Increasing Retail Revenue

Hospitals retail areas find themselves under increasing pressure to meet revenue goals Faced with rising costs and financially challenging times, healthcare organizations are increasingly looking to their retail areas as an additional source of revenue generation. Although hospital foodservices operations are well known for providing patient meals, most if not […]

Delicious Heights in Berkeley Heights

While in New York City, we took the train to Newark, NJ to meet friends for dinner. They wanted us to experience Delicious Heights restaurant. In every way, this Berkeley Heights establishment was a delicious surprise. No reservations are accepted by Delicious Heights, so we were lucky to be early […]

Basic Principles of Cookery

Cooking involves the application of heat to foodstuffs. The basic object of cooking is to tenderize (or in the case of flour goods such as cake, to stabilize) food so that it will be easier to digest. There are two other reasons for cooking food. One is related to taste […]