Why Stainless Steel Cookware?

Latrina M. Midkiff

A little history Metal cooking utensils have been in common use for centuries. Stainless Steel cookware is a more recent development. The smelting of Stainless Steel (an iron-nickel-chromium alloy) didn’t occur until 1910 when Harry Brearley (under the employ of John Brown Laboratories and Thomas Firth & Sons, England) sought […]

All About Restaurant Sanitation

Latrina M. Midkiff

Restaurants have a natural challenge that just comes with the territory: cleanliness and food safety. It seems not a day goes by without another horror story in the news about contaminated food products. Restaurants get routinely shut down by the Health Department. Even if things don’t get that bad for […]

How Healthy Food Changed My Life?

Latrina M. Midkiff

Often, developing healthy food habit is not as restrictive or as confusing as several individuals imagine. The first and foremost principle of healthy nutrition is simply eating a wide range of foodstuff. This is more important, since varied foodstuff make varied dietary contributions. Secondly, vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains are […]